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Showing posts from September, 2010

and the winner is...

There were 33 comments in total for the giveaway and I used a random number generator to get my winner! Commenter number 23 was... Claire from cakes and bunting ! who said she would buy the cow rolling pin! Well done Claire, you win the Ā£50 voucher for CSN Stores! I will email you the details and please let us know what you spend the voucher on! Thanks to everyone for taking part and to CSN Stores for sponsoring this giveaway!

03.04.10 Our Day by Design: Speeches

Once dinner had been cleared it was time for the speeches. My dad was introduced first and gave a lovely speech about me with plenty of laughs included too. My dad is used to giving speeches for his work so it wasn't a problem for him; and now he has to start writing another for my sisters wedding in December! There was also another surprise for me. Nearing the end of my dads speech, he mentioned this blog and the photo I had chosen for my profile picture. It used to show me wearing a tea cosy on my head in our first caravan {now its a wedding pic}, so he got my mum to knit a striped tea cosy in our wedding colours, purple & grey, that he could present to me. They had even put some stuffing inside so that it would stand up! Then it was Grahams turn. He had been really nervous about his speech beforehand and I know he wished we had done them before dinner instead but he was brilliant when he stood up and started and gave a fantastic speech, saying lots of lovely things and also...


HAPPY BIRTHDAY ENZO Its my nephew Enzo's 1st Birthday today; cant believe how quickly this last year has gone from when I posted this last year! (Image from here ) (Image from here ) We spent last weekend down in London to celebrate since we were off for the Scottish monday holiday and had a birthday lunch for him on Sunday. For his birthday we got him a toy garage, a talking Yojojo Waybuloo, a number 1 t-shirt and the balloons above. We are going to see them again in just 3 weeks when we all go to the Norfolk Broads for a week.

* 50 Followers Giveaway *

To celebrate reaching 50 followers on my little blog, I have a fab giveaway for you all. CSN stores are offering one of my readers a Ā£50 voucher ($50 if you are in the US/Canada) to spend in one of their websites. CSN offer everything you could possibly think of including ceiling lights , cookware & furniture. They have 6 UK websites which are CSN Stores ; All Modern ; Cookware by CSN ; Furniture by CSN ; Lighting by CSN and TV Stands . I love this anglepoise fifty table lamp in red or how about something for your wedding, like the two tier cake plate above. To enter all you need to do is l eave a comment on this post and tell me what you would buy from any of the CSN websites. You can also have additional chances to win if you are a follower / become a new follower or if you tweet / blog about this giveaway. Please make sure you leave a separate comment on this post for each different way you enter (up to 3 in total) and include links to your tweet / blog posts too! Only com...

03.04.10 Our Day by Design: Piped Entrance & Dinner

Once all the guests were seated inside the ballroom the doors were closed and the top table, minus me & Graham, lined up behind the piper. The doors were opened, the top table was announced then they followed the piper inside and the went to the seats while all of the guests clapped. The piper then came back outside the room where we were waiting to prepare to pipe us in as Mr & Mrs! He chose a tune, we were announced then we made our way to our seats in the middle of the top table. After giving the piper the traditional dram of whisky, we took our seats. It took a while to get me and my dress sorted but finally we were seated! Then dinner was served and it was all gorgeous and just as nice as we remembered from the tasting; everyone said afterwards that it was some of the nicest wedding food they had ever had and I dont think there were many leftovers! To start we had galia melon with lemon & basil sorbet, served with a pink peppercorn & cointreau syrup; followed by c...

03.04.10 Our Day by Design: Receiving Line

To make sure we at least spoke to all of our guests we decided to have a receiving line as the guests were making their way into the ballroom for dinner. Although my sister, the best man and our flowergirl were also sitting at the top table, we just did the receiving line with our parents. There seemed to be quite a lot of hilarity! After they had spoken to each of us, the guests were able to look at the table plan then make their way into the ballroom to find their table. I'm really glad we did the receiving line as although it took a while, I loved being able to speak to everyone, especially the guests I didn't know as well, who I may not have spoken to later on. Then it was time for the piper to pipe in the top table... (All images by Craig & Eva Sanders )

03.04.10 Our Day by Design: Photographs - Girls & Kilts

Our final photos outside were Graham with all of the guests in kilts and me with all of my girls together. There were loads of guys in kilts as you would expect in Scotland, and even a couple of kids in kilts too! There are some normal, some silly and even some running shots! Then it was time for me and my girls to get some photos and again we had some normal and some silly which I think are some of my favourites! We took the last couple of shots just as the rain was starting, then we headed inside and I was finally able to get a drink! Then it wasn't long until the receiving line began... (All images by Craig & Eva Sanders )

03.04.10 Our Day by Design: Photographs - G & G

When it was time for photos of just us, we started against a wall, headed to the trees, had a pit stop to put my wellies before moving amongst the daffodils then we finished at the large tree in the middle of the grounds! We have so many fabulous photos from this time that I wont bore you with them all, but will just show a few from each location! My favourite photo of Graham We got this photo framed from our photographers, and I love it; Its not actually up on the wall yet though! The wellies come out! My favourite photo of me and the one at end is supposed to be us being serious! It was definitely starting to get a bit cold by the time we finished taking the photos; we had asked that the guys in kilts and all my friends would be waiting ready so there were loads of people watching for the last couple of shots. At the start of the photos I think we were both a little unsure of how to pose etc but think all the shots turned out well. There was a funny moment when the hotel co...