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Showing posts from November, 2011

Baby Items 4: Cot

At the same time as we ordered the pram and car seat , Grahams parents very kindly bought us the cot we wanted. We chose the John Lewis Olivia Cot in white and grey.   (Images from John Lewis ) We looked at quite a few cots but saw this one quite early on and didn't see anything else we preferred or that felt as sturdy. I also liked the fact it has a drawer underneath. We chose to just get a cot, rather than a cot b ed, since they are smaller and it will be used for at least a couple of years then we will just buy a junior bed instead. The cot also has 3 base positions which can be adjusted as the baby gets bigger. To go with it we ordered the coir spring cot mattress. The cot is getting delivered along with the car seat in December when we can get it made up and then into the nursery. Hopefully all of the painting will be complete by then. Then we still need to get bedding, sheets and possibly a valance so that you cant see into the drawer when the mattress is ...

Baby Items 3: Car Seat

After choosing our pram , we knew we had to get a car seat that would fit onto the chassis with the additional adapters. We chose the Maxi-Cosi CabrioFix car seat in black along with the Maxi-Cosi EasyFix base. Grahams parents generously bought us the full system.   (Image from John Lewis )  (Images from John Lewis ) Since our car has Isofix points I wanted to make sure we got a base for the car seat which means it will be a lot easier to take the seat in and out of the car, especially if the baby is sleeping. The car seat simply clicks into the base, rather than having to mess around with the seat belt every time. The car seat and base are getting delivered to our flat in December so that we can install it into the car in plenty time for the baby arriving.

Baby Items 2: Pram / Buggy

The last weekend in October we went to John Lewis with my parents to order the pram / buggy we wanted as they had generously offered to buy it for us. We chose the Bugaboo Cameleon with the dark grey base and dark blue canvas since we know its a boy. We had a bit of drama as Bugaboo have now discontinued the dark blue and John Lewis didn't have any left in stock; we ordered the main dark grey base along with the black canvas with the option to cancel that if we found the blue. After a search online, we found the dark blue canvas so we could get the combination we wanted. I had originally wanted the limited edition dark purple but felt it would be more suitable for a girl. Cameleon Carrycot (Image from Baby Concierge )  Cameleon Seat (Image from Bugaboo ) We didn't really look at many different prams as my sister has the Cameleon and loves it. We always thought that it looked the best option and everyone we know who has one loves it. We did look at a few others b...

28 Weeks

Now that Ive reached 28+1 weeks, we are officially into the 3rd trimester, and the baby is the size of an eggplant (or a chinese cabbage). Only 12 weeks to go which I'm sure is going to go so fast with Christmas first.  We decided to go for a 3D/4D Mini Scan at Babes in the Womb at the weekend so that we could see the baby again and confirm it was definitely a boy before we buy anything else!     It was so lovely to see him again and despite the fact he kept hiding his face with his hands and feet, we managed to get a few good 3D pictures. The sonographer confirmed that it is a boy and that he is around 2lbs 6oz just now. He has also still got his head up at the top so hopefully he will start to turn around soon. He is facing my back and as my placenta is at the front, and therefore between us, that explains why I'm not seeing any kicks at the front and why Graham cant really feel any either. We were so glad we had gone to get the scan and felt it was definitely w...

Florida: December 2010

In December last year we spent 8 nights in Orlando, Florida with Grahams family {his parents, his sister & her fiancé, his aunt & uncle and his cousin & his fiancée}, making 10 of us in total. The 8 of them had spent a week down the coast in Fort Myers first but due to our lack of holidays, we could only get 6 days off work. We met them all in Orlando on the Saturday. We set off on the Friday, my 29th birthday and as we landed in Orlando, we were just relieved that we had actually managed to get there, following a few issues to say the least. It started with the never ending snow which had closed Edinburgh airport and kept my sister & nephew up here since the weekend before. The week was full of helpful suggestions from everyone and there were even thoughts of driving down to Manchester for our Orlando flight; thankfully the airport reopened on the Friday morning! However there were still a few issues at check in {how an airline system can’t cope with people who ha...