It's taken me ages to post my last pregnancy update, but I wanted to have it all documented. I took the photo at 40 weeks but obviously now Eden is almost three months old!
After my last update at 39 weeks, when I had just had my scan, I spent the rest of my last week being pregnant doing the final preparations for Eden's arrival.
On Saturday, I got all the thank you cards for Holden's Christmas and birthday presents written and tidied all of my craft stuff that was lying around. Sunday was spent at Vogrie country park on our last outing as a family of three, with some last bits of shopping on the way home. Once home we put the shelves and a picture up in Eden's room and sorted changing stations in her room, in the downstairs toilet and in our ensuite, so there is one on every floor of our house. We enjoyed dinner at Nando's on Sunday night too.
On Monday, Holden and I had our last outing just the two of us. We had lunch at a soft play cafe then Holden chose a soft toy jellycat bumble bee as a gift for his little sister which he then brought to the hospital with him when he visited us for the first time.
On Tuesday and Wednesday Holden was still at his nursery for the full day. My mum came down on the Tuesday to help me tidy up in the house and cook some meals to put in the freezer, then we enjoyed a lunch out afterwards. That night I also got some of Holden's baby book done and although it's still not finished, at least some of it is!
On Wednesday I had to go to the hospital in Livingston for a pre op appointment at 11am. We didn't want Graham to start his paternity leave any earlier so my mum came with me, just in case there were any problems. I also took all the hospital bags in the car with us, just in case! We had a quick stop in at the church coffee morning on the way, where everyone was wishing me well for the next day. The appointment itself was really quick, they took blood, checked my blood pressure and the baby's heartbeat then talked me through what would happen the next day. I was given tablets to take that night and the next morning and told not to eat or drink after midnight. I was also measured for my compression socks. I discovered I was the only one on the list for the next day so my section would be fairly early, and we were told to arrive for
7.45am. Once we got back we met my dad for a late lunch then picked up a couple of things at the shops, before coming home to pick up Holden.
My parents took Holden to stay at theirs on Wednesday night since we had to leave so early on Thursday morning. They brought him to the hospital on Thursday afternoon and evening then he stayed with them again and he came back to the hospital on Friday afternoon. He stayed at my parents until Saturday when they brought him back once we got home from the hospital.
I had a shower on Wednesday night so I didn't have much to do in the morning. On Thursday morning, at exactly 40 weeks on my due date, we went in to the hospital for 7.45am. I was taken really quite early and Eden was born at 10.26am.
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