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20 Weeks: Its a...


I am currently 21+4 weeks {in my 22nd week}, over half way and the baby is apparently almost the size of a papaya!

We had our 20 week scan last Monday and all was well, its a girl, and we could see her wriggling around. I had to go out halfway through the scan to get some chocolate to eat and hope that she would turn as the radiographer was having trouble getting some of the measurements.

I'm growing now as well and have a definite bump, as you can see from the photo below. I will try and keep a record from now on, the same as I did with Holden. I don't think I showed as early this time which I was quite surprised about.

I saw the midwife at 16 weeks and got to hear the heartbeat. Graham and Holden were able to come too. We already knew from last time that I'm AB negative so will need an anti-D injection at 28 weeks, probably at the same time as the new whooping cough vaccine and the flu vaccine. I had an appointment to see the hematologist last Friday and I've to have the 6 weeks of blood thinning injections after birth that I had with Holden. I will see the midwife again this Friday when I will be 22+1 weeks.

I'm still feeling good and am now wearing all maternity trousers, mostly the ones from last time, although I have bought another couple of pairs of jeans and a swimming tankini that I needed for our holiday to Center Parcs.

We haven't really bought anything yet apart from a chest of drawers for the babies room but we need to work on clearing the spare room so that we can make that the guest room / study and make what is currently the guest room the babies room.

As last time, I know quite a few others that are pregnant at the same time as me and my two best friends have both recently had baby girls.

We've just come back from a holiday with my parents in the UK. We started at Alton Towers, then Lytham St Anne's then went to Center Parcs for the last 4 nights. We've got a weekend away planned at the end of November to Grassington for their Dickensian Festival with my family and friends but that will be the last trip until baby arrives.


  1. Congratulations! How exciting!

  2. A papaya is an excellent fruit. That is a definite bump. I am quite jealous of the Dickensian Festival!


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